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3 rbutls

The Amish medical experiment — no vaccines, no autism; is there a link? | The Bovine
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Myth: "Amish Don't Have Autism"
The paper, Prevalence Rates of Autism Spectrum Disorders Among the Old Order Amish, demonstrates a preliminary prevalence of 1 in 271 as the prevalence of autism amongst Amish children in two Amish communities: Holmes County, Ohio and Elkhart-Lagrange County, Indiana.
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Link by Shane
2 0 0.0008
Autism and the Amish
Olmsted never visited the cryptically-named Clinic for Special Children in Strasburg, where doctors treat dozens of children who exhibit autistic behavior
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Link by Shane
2 0 0.0008
Anecdotal Amish-don’t-vaccinate claims disproved by fact-based study | The Panic Virus
Not surprisingly, no part of the Amish fallacy is true
19 0

Link by Shane

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