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6 rbutls

Aspartame Poison: The Silent Killer | Healthy Holistic LivingHealthy Holistic Living
0 6

13 1 0.0083
Science-Based Medicine » Aspartame – Truth vs Fiction
Clears up aspartame myths
1 0

Link by SkepTeach

3 0 0.0016
snopes.com: Aspartame -- Sweet Poison?
Aspartame is NOT especially deadly for diabetics as source page claims
8 0

Link by SkepTeach

3 1 0.0008
Sweet news: No evidence that artificial sweetener aspartame's bad for you
A good breakdown of the safety data and misinformation by a Senior Nutritionist at Defence Science and Technology Organisation
1 0

Link by Craig

1 0 0.0001
Aspartame - RationalWiki
Aspartame is considered safe by health authorities in over 90 nations, and is one of the most studied and vetted food additives in the world.
10 0

Link by Shane

1 0 0.0001
Aspartame Information from the Aspartame Resource Center
10 0

Link by Shane

1 0 0.0001
Are Artificial Sweeteners Harmful? - YouTube
The Science says no.
10 0

Link by Shane

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