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6 rbutls

Electric Universe theory
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2 0 0.0015

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Electric Universe theory debunked - list of ALL articles
Overview of all rebuttals on this subject.
2 0

Link by nitramko

1 0 0.0001
Testing the Electric Universe - Brian Koberlein
So never let it be said that an astro-scientist has never considered the electric universe model with an open mind. The Electric Universe model is wrong. Provably, clearly and ridiculously wrong.
3 0

Link by Shane

1 0 0.0001
Neutrino Dreaming: The Electric Universe Theory Debunked
he “electric universe” has no single paper subject to peer review about its ideas.
2 0

Link by Shane

1 0 0.0001
Testing the Electric Universe - One Universe at a Time

2 0

Link by Unregistered_6496092

1 0 0.0001

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