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5 rbutls

Myth busted: Vaccinations are not immunizations
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A survey administered by a German anti-vaccine homeopath backfires spectacularly – Respectful Insolence
Rebuts claim: "The recent Bachmair vaccine study reveals that the allergy rate in vaccinated children is more than double the rate in unvaccinated ones"
22 0

Link by dkahn400

2 0 0.0010
CDC - Pinkbook: Rotavirus Chapter - Epidemiology of Vaccine-Preventable Diseases
Directly from CDC: "Breastfeeding does not appear to diminish immune response to rotavirus vaccine. Infants who are being breastfed should be vaccinated on schedule."
1 0

Link by dkahn400

2 0 0.0010
Vaccines: Vac-Gen/Some Misconceptions
See MISCONCEPTION #2. Rebuts: "Vaccinated kids historically also have more measles than unvaccinated kids."
1 0

Link by dkahn400

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Vaccines: Vac-Gen/Immunity Types
Exposure to the disease organism can occur through infection with the actual disease (resulting in natural immunity), or introduction of a killed or weakened form of the disease organism through vaccination (vaccine-induced immunity). Active immunity is long-lasting, and sometimes life-long.
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Link by dkahn400
2 0 0.0010
Mythbuster » A Million Gods
Direct rebuttal. Original article so error ridden and evidence free I'm surprised but gratified to find someone bothered.
1 0

Link by dkahn400

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