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4 rbutls

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8 0 0.0046

The wikipedia page about Mercola has lots of examples of his strange beliefs, including not believing that AIDS is caused by HIV.
3 0

Link by Craig
7 0 0.0047
Joseph Mercola - RationalWiki
Points out the many, many claims that Mercola makes that are provably incorrect, and some of his hypocrisy.
2 0

Link by Craig

2 0 0.0007
FDA Orders Dr. Joseph Mercola to Stop Illegal Claims
Quackwatch page about Mercola, worth reading. I think it's fairly clear he's in it for the money, with claims on his herb bottles with lines like "help to virtually eliminate your risk of developing cancer in the future"
4 1

Link by Craig

2 0 0.0009
9 Reasons to Completely Ignore Joseph Mercola « Science-Based Medicine
Shows why Mercola is not to be believed
3 1

Link by Craig

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