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3 rbutls

Too Hot for TED: Income Inequality - Jim Tankersley - NationalJournal.com
0 3

5 0 0.0027
TED and inequality: The real story - TEDChris: The untweetable
There was no censorship, it was the standard quality based selection process turned in to media hype
2 0

Link by Shane
3 0 0.0014
The Real Reason That TED Talk Was 'Censored'? It's Shoddy And Dumb - Forbes
Forbes also debunked the National Journal's claims of censorship
3 2

Link by TauriqM
2 0 0.0009
TED and inequality: The real story - TEDChris: The untweetable
a story so misleading it would be funny... except it successfully launched an aggressive online campaign against us.
1 0

Link by Shane

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