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3 rbutls

Stranger in a Strange Land: Vaccinated Kids Have 2 to 5 Times More Diseases Than Unvaccinated Ones
0 3

1 0 0.0001
Rachael's Ramblings - Pro-Science Rant
The "scientific study" and the reporting on it is so full of holes I can't understand how anyone can take it seriously
19 0

Link by Shane
1 0 0.0001
A survey administered by a German anti-vaccine homeopath backfires spectacularly – Respectful Insolence
Survey has horrendously bad methodology
22 0

Link by Shane
1 0 0.0001
Vaccination status and health in children ... [Dtsch Arztebl Int. 2011] - PubMed - NCBI
Real study shows opposite results to uncontrolled internet survey
11 0

Link by Shane

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