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7 rbutls

I don't know how, but homeopathy really does work | Rachel Roberts | Comment is free | theguardian.com
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Homeopathy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Scientific research has repeatedly found homeopathic remedies ineffective and their postulated mechanisms of action implausible. The scientific community regards homeopathy as a sham; the American Medical Association considers homeopathy to be quackery, and homeopathic practice has been criticized as unethical.
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Link by Shane

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Homeopathy and Plausibility « Science-Based Medicine
The poster child for extreme scientific implausibility within medicine is, arguable, homeopathy. Its “law of similars” is little more than sympathetic magic, and its “law of infinitessimals” leads to concoctions diluted to the point that they have zero active ingredient and only the magical memory left behind
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Link by Shane
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How Does Homeopathy Work?

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Link by lukefreeman
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Homeopathy « Science-Based Medicine

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Link by lukefreeman
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Is Homeopathy Really As Implausible As It Sounds? | Australian Popular Science

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Link by lukefreeman

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