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3 rbutls

God is the best answer to: “Why is there something rather than nothing?”
0 3

4 0 0.0022
Evidence for God or Just the Typical Theistic Ramblings? | Advocating The Devil
Questions the assertion that there is evidence for any gods and points out various flaws in the article
1 0

Link by Kat Pipkin

2 0 0.0008
CURIOSITY: Did God Create The Universe? | S01E01 - YouTube
Argues how a universe can be created from nothing and why the theistic notion of 'nothing' is flawed
1 0

Link by gawain

1 0 0.0001
CA115.1: Antony Flew's deism.
This article calls out the argument from authority in using Antony Flew and discusses Flew's reasons for Deism.
1 0

Link by mad_humanist

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