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3 rbutls

The vile anti-Muslim video and the First Amendment: Does the U.S. overvalue free speech? - Slate Magazine
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History's Vilest #SlatePitch Asks: Why Do We Bitterly Cling to Free Speech? - The Daily Beast
challenges notion that free speech is not universal
1 0

Link by mikeklawrence
2 0 0.0008
So Unsophisticated, That First Amendment - By Andrew Stuttaford - The Corner - National Review Online
Speculates that concessions over free speech will result in the demand for further concessions.
1 0

Link by mikeklawrence
1 0 0.0001
We Are All Blasphemers: A Response to Eric Posner | Greg Lukianoff
Points out that free speech promotes tolerance in a diverse society, whereas blasphemy laws are divisive
1 0

Link by scottmcgreal

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