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How the Amazon-Hachette Fight Could Shape the Future of Ideas - Jeremy Greenfield - The Atlantic
theatlantic.com/business/archive/2014/05/how-the-amazon-hachette-fight.. |
How the Amazon-Hachette Fight Could Shape the Future of Ideas - The Passive Voice - A Lawyer's Thoughts on Authors, Self-Publishing and Traditional Publishing
thepassivevoice.com/05/2014/how-the-amazon-hachette-fight-could-shape-.. PG submits that Amazon is far more egalitarian and pro-democratic than big corporate publishing is Link by tscanlon |
- The Washington Post
washingtonpost.com/business/2014/06/06/203176c4-eb5c-11e3-b98c-72cef4a.. Describes the monopoly of Amazon vs the cartel of publishers like Hachette. Link by tscanlon |