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3 rbutls

Did Zeus Exist? - NYTimes.com
0 3

1 0 0.0001
I Can’t Believe I Have to Say This, but Zeus (Almost Certainly) Didn’t Exist
Points out that having a subjective experience does not provide objective evidence
1 0

Link by scottmcgreal
1 0 0.0001
Trolling for Zeus — Near-Earth Object
"Experiencing Zeus" provides no more credible evidence that Zeus exists than "experiencing" a fictional character.
1 0

Link by scottmcgreal
1 0 0.0001
Cosmic Cogitations: "Zeus might be Real!" And the Whole World might be Magic too!
Points out that the target article makes a nonsensical argument that anything at all might be real even if no evidence exists.
1 0

Link by scottmcgreal

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