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Wave goodbye to global warming, GM and pesticides - Independent.ie
independent.ie/business/irish/wave-goodbye-to-global-warming-gm-and-pe.. |
Question: Has Ireland’s biggest newspaper lost its goddamn mind? | unshavedmouse
unshavedmouse.wordpress.com/2013/08/27/question-has-irelands-biggest-n.. A takedown of the extraordinary claims of a miracle that solves all earth's problems. Link by MaryM |
Pepijn van Erp » On science, bad science, pseudoscience and other stuff
pepijnvanerp.nl/ The Vi~Aqua technology is pseudo-scientific bullocks. If the claims would be true, the company could very easily show that it really changes water, for instance by measuring surface tension. Link by pjvanerp |
Austin Darragh’s Magic Water Machine | Sunny Spells and Scattered Showers
sunnyspells.wordpress.com/2013/08/31/austin-darraghs-magic-water-machi.. A skeptic offers further details and links to these claims. Link by MaryM |
Vi-Aqua – Turning Water into Snake Oil » Pepijn van Erp
pepijnvanerp.nl/2013/09/vi-aqua-turning-water-into-snake-oil/ The Vi~Aqua technology is pseudo-scientific bullocks. If the claims would be true, the company could very easily show that it really changes water, for instance by measuring surface tension. Link by pjvanerp |
Daft Claim: vi-aqua is a Device that makes water wetter and increases the output of vegetables and fruits by up to 30 per cent « Skeptical Science
skeptical-science.com/science/daft-claim-viaqua-device-water-wetter-in.. Skeptic site addresses claims about the alleged radio device solving global warming and plant growth. Link by MaryM |
Irish Company Solves World Hunger, Climate Change, Small Chickens « Environment « Science « Skeptic North
skepticnorth.com/2013/09/irish-company-solves-world-hunger-climate-cha.. Skeptics examine the claims and likelihood of results of the radio wave water treatments, find them lacking. Link by MaryM |