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5 rbutls

36 Signs The Media Is Lying To You About How Radiation From Fukushima Is Affecting The West Coast - Banoosh
0 5

1 0 0.0001
Are Your Days of Eating Pacific Ocean Fish Really Over? | Skeptoid

4 0

Link by jdar
1 0 0.0001
More Fukushima Scaremongering Debunked | Skeptoid

3 0

Link by jdar

1 0 0.0001
True facts about Ocean Radiation and the Fukushima Disaster | Deep Sea News
Points out how much misinformation there is about the so called ocean plumes.
7 0

Link by Craig
1 0 0.0001
Dire Warnings and Melting Starfish: Fukushima Fearmongering, Volume 3 | Skeptoid

1 0

Link by jdar

1 0 0.0001
Fukushima vs Chernobyl vs Three Mile Island
A breakdown of how bad Fukushima was. And why it's not an issue to the world ocean.
7 0

Link by Craig

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